Sunday, August 24, 2008

Van Decoration

At H2C a well decorated van is as important as slathering your undercarriage with body glide on the second leg - you can go without it but it's not going to be as pleasant. I guess the main difference is the lack of physical pain involved in not decorating your van but that's the best annology I got right now so get off my back. The best decorations, such as D. Sanchez who was holding down the front of my girl Missy's van, have something for everyone, (you might notice the produce in DSan'z briefs which is a universal sign of class, or that he's happy to see you.)

EDITORS NOTE: The lovely lady on the left with the USA hat is Caitlin Sargent. I met Caitlin this weekend and thought she was a pretty cool chick, and then on her second leg she totally yacks mid-stride and keeps on trucking through the leg. Instantly Caitlin Sargent became a personal hero. Kudos to Caitlin for rocking.

Some are just part of the overall theme - which is similarly as cool.

But possibly the best are the kinds of decorations that develop over the course of the race as exhaustion kicks in and everything starts getting a little funnier. The best of this kind I saw on leg 27 where a van had written on the side, "Jen shit her pants on leg 15 - seriously. TRUE DAT!" One can only imagine that one of their vanmates, Jennifer, literally shit in her pants while running during leg 15. And then, her teammates, being the totally awesome dudes and dudettes they are decided to advertise that for the rest of the race on the side of the van. I wish I could have hugged that team.

Our van keeps picking up love on the way:

The latest has to do with our obsession with the Lance Armstrong Dick's Sport commercials. Setting up for a water stop on John's second run I was driving the van, and as we had off the water I yelled out the window, "FEED THE WARRIOR!" It's become somewhat of a theme. That and our team-wide desire to "Kill the coward with-in."

(TOT SEND ME PICS of that!!!!!!)

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